Movement Education
“You are only as young as your spine is flexible.” – Joseph Pilates
There is no doubt, that Movement is LIFE. Nothing in this life happens without movement. If something is immobile in nature, it will perish.
Humans are no different. If we are sedentary and do not move, we will likely suffer from a variety of diseases and symptoms.
In order for you to experience optimum health and wellbeing it is essential that you are moving frequently and correctly.
Dr Dimitro is a huge advocate of functional movement patterns. Knowing full well the huge benefits they play into preventing injuries and preventing ageing.
If you want to know about what kinds of movement and exercise are best for your body, please ask Dr Dimitro. He will be sure to point you in the right direction.
ABC Helping To Keep You Moving Well And Feeling Young!
chiropractic, mobility, stiffness, posture
Why Stretching Could Be Doing You More Harm Than Good
stretching, athletic performance, injury prevention, Advanced Bio-Structural Correction, Chiropractic
Why Blackburn Chiropractor, Dr. Dimitro Kirsh Recommends Crossfit
Ever wondered if chiropractors think that Crossfit is bad? Blackburn Chiropractor Dr. Dimitro Kirsh is a CrossFit regular at Crossfit Blackburn.