Why Blackburn Chiropractor, Dr. Dimitro Kirsh Recommends Crossfit

I have a personal connection to CrossFit as it’s my choice of exercise to keep myself active and healthy and has been since entering my 30s.

When I stopped playing competitive sport there was downtime where I was lost for what to do to keep myself moving. Up to that point in my life there was always a team with trainers and workouts to keep me fit and motivated.

I spent many years going between different fitness classes and using my self motivation as best I could to do basic resistance training (weightlifting) at your everyday gym. These activities kept me moving and to a degree healthy and fit, however I was slowly losing a level of functionality with my body, not to mention becoming bored and uninspired by fitness and working out.

When I started CrossFit, I thought I was in decent shape and could move well. How wrong I was! A few years into this form of exercise and movement therapy, I can say I am in better shape and healthier than I was in my 20s and can see myself being even stronger and more mobile when I enter my 40s.

This is the greatest part of CrossFit in that there is no ceiling to what you can accomplish and there are always new movements and higher bars to achieve which keep you motivated and having fun. At the end of the day, keeping fit and healthy is all about having fun and enjoying your body. I find it more satisfying to workout with the programming offered at my CrossFit Box, and the people are very friendly and supportive, so you always feel better after a tough session.

The bottom line is, CrossFit provides the perfect balance of strength and functional movements, mixed in with metabolic training all in a fun and friendly environment. The coaches and group workout setup are perfect for those who struggle to stay self motivated during exercise and the classes are conducted over a sharp time frame so you don’t have to spend ages in the gym to get amazing results.

Checkout the Crossfit Blackburn Website to learn more about CrossFit Blackburn and Blackburn Crossfit box (gym) I am a part of! If you need a little extra encouragement to get started, let me know and I’ll be a helping hand and support for your intro session and we can get moving together!


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