Back Pain is a major healthcare problem all over the world and one of the most common reasons people present to a Chiropractor.

It’s estimated that nearly everyone will experience low back pain at some point in their life and ranks as the number one cause of years lived with a disability along with being a huge economic cost to society.

A definite diagnosis is often not possible and there is often more than one factor involved with a person’s pain. The good news is low back pain is one of the most well managed problems in our office.

Back pain is characterized by stiffness, numbness/tingling, dull ache, sharp shooting pains, decreased range of motion, sciatica (pain down back of the leg), disc bulges and muscle soreness. 


There are many causes of back pain with most cases often presenting with more than one influencing factor. a few common causes are:

  • Poor posture (sway back, distal cross syndrome)

  • Sport injuries

  • Lack of activity

  • Direct trauma

  • Bending and lifting poorly

  • Overuse injuries

  • Sitting too long

  • Underlying pathology


Once any serious disease or pathology has been ruled out then the problem can be deemed mechanical in nature.

The root cause of back pain is poor posture.

Poor posture results from bones shifting off proper alignment resulting in abnormal stress and pressures on body tissues.



There are two ways people look to help back pain:

1. Treat the pain and symptoms:

Medication is often a ‘quick fix’ method for helping back pain, along with many other therapies that solely focus on reducing the symptoms. While this may help remove the immediate pain, it is a short-term solution and does not correct the underlying cause of the problem, your spinal alignment.

The problem is likely to return.

Pain treatment, without ever addressing the root cause of back pain, can result in an ongoing and increasing need for medication. As you age, mobility can be severely impacted, and ongoing back pain can decrease quality of life.

2. Correct the cause of the problem:

Imagine being able to identify the cause of your back pain and resolving that issue!

Treatment with ABC™, through real and immediate correction of body structure results in improved spinal alignment and posture. Over time this process will both improve the symptoms and lead to long term resolution of the structural cause of back pain.


Our Chiropractic method, Advanced Bio-Structural Correction™  (ABC™) is a hands on therapy that corrects spinal alignment and posture.

ABC™ is a therapy that looks at the body as a whole and not just individual parts operating separately from each other. By acknowledging that the body is a single, whole functioning unit, we can get to the root of your body issues and truly correct them while preventing issues from developing in the future.

Correcting your structural alignment from top to bottom takes the pressure off the muscles, ligaments, discs, and nerves in your back. Removing these pressures helps the body to heal naturally.

ABC™ consists broadly of manoeuvres such as spinal stretches, hands on adjustments of the spine, ribs, and lower extremities which result in consistent and predictable results including postural correction.

Correcting your spinal alignment with Advanced Bio- Structural Correction™ helps you get real and immediate relief from back pain, as well as preventing the problem from returning in the future.

In short, ABC™ is a holistic healthcare system aimed at not only improving symptoms but helping bodies to function and feel their best. By improving posture through this therapy, one will notice ease in breathing, clarity in the head, and often a sense of balance in the body.


The nervous system is our communication pathway between our body and brain.

It helps to regulate and control every action in our body. It is extremely important that our nervous system is working at its optimum if we want to function well and live a healthy life.

As our structural system (mostly skull and spine) encloses and protects our nervous system, it can have a direct influence on how well our brain, spinal cord and its peripheral nerves are functioning.

If the alignment of the bones in our structural system, especially our spine start to lose their ideal shape or become dysfunctional it can impact the nervous system adversely.

By improving spinal alignment and posture, pressure and tension can come off your nervous system. In turn, this helps your body to function and feel its best while reducing the likelihood of encountering injuries and greater problems in the future.



At Kirsh Chiropractic our goal is to fix bodies and help prevent injuries from returning. Ultimately, we want to make your body work well so you can enjoy life uninhibited by pain. Once posture is corrected, it is recommended to keep it in good shape. This is best managed through a protective adjustment periodically, along with our advice around day to day living.

Claim Our New Patient Special

Our Blackburn chiropractors use a modern form of chiropractic called Advanced BioStructural Correction™ to help you live without pain and improve your health.

Meet Dr D

Dr Dimitro Kirsh (Chiropractor) is here to help you on your health journey. Meet our team before you arrive into the practice.

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